Oct 9, 2019
Episode Description
We continue our Disney World on a Budget series and discuss sample itineraries for Disney World on a moderate budget. We discuss on site hotels we'd recommend, park tickets, add ons, places we'd eat, and much more!
What are your moderate splurges at Disney World? Let us know at disneydeciphered AT gmail DOT com!
Episode Notes
0:46 - Parameters for our moderate budget
2:26 - Hotels and ticket types
6:04 - An alternate luxury adjacent itinerary (within budget!)
8:03 - Food and souvenirs
11:52 - Transportation
14:00 - Fun add-ons
16:00 - Summing our itineraries up
18:16 - Disney Dos and Don'ts (thanks to listener Joe H.!)
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Connect with Leslie @TripsWithTykes on social media and Joe @asthejoeflies.