Jul 22, 2020
If you're thinking of planning a Disney vacation in 2020 or 2021, let Joe do all the hard work for you as your travel agent at no cost to you. E-mail him josephcheung@travelmation.net to start your planning today.
Episode Description
Leslie's on vacation, but Joe chats with listener Brennan Anderson about his experience visiting the Disney World parks during the first week of reopening. We discuss the overall experience, safety, memorable rides, and practical tips if you're planning to visit.
Are you thinking of returning to the magic or have you already? Let us know by e-mailing us disneydeciphered AT gmail DOT com!
Episode Notes
1:00 - Introducing Brennan
2:47 - How safe did Disney feel compared to the rest of Florida?
4:14 - Masks at Disney
5:23 - What parks did you visit? Toughest park/situation to social distance?
7:52 - Social distancing in the queue?
11:28 - Who were your fellow guests in the park?
13:14 - Memorable ride experiences back in the parks15:47 - Show experiences
17:16 - When to show up at the parks, should you rope drop?
20:02 - Mobile ordering tips
23:40 - Who is it worth it to visit Disney right now?
25:56 - Disney dos or don'ts
You can also support the show by buying tickets (if they're the best deal, of course) using our Undercover Tourist link.
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Connect with Leslie @TripsWithTykes on social media and Joe @asthejoeflies.