Jul 15, 2020
Thinking of planning a Disney vacation for this year or next? Let Joe do all the hard work for you at no cost to you! You can e-mail him josephcheung@travelmation.net.
Episode Description
Disney World is open so Leslie and Joe discuss how things look different. We then spend a few minutes talking to Kristina Cooper of Travelmation about her experience on opening day at the Magic Kingdom.
Have you visited since the parks reopened or do you plan to? Let us know by e-mailing us disneydeciphered AT gmail DOT com!
Episode Notes
2:08 - Arriving at the Magic Kingdom
3:07 - Getting from the Transportation and Ticket Center to the Magic Kingdom
4:34 - Temperature screening and security
5:30 - Entering the park and shopping
6:05 - Mask requirement
6:35 - Character cavalcades
8:58 - Ride queues and safety precautions
11:35 - Dining changes
13:16 - Relaxation zones
14:50 - Introducing Kristina and what it felt like to be back in the parks on opening day
16:22 - Impression of safety measures
18:47 - How crowded were things and did it ever get overcrowded?
20:27 - Is Disney World's magic still there?
22:16 - Favorite experience?
24:40 - Are Joe and Leslie planning to visit anytime soon?
25:20 - Disney dos or don'ts
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Connect with Leslie @TripsWithTykes on social media and Joe @asthejoeflies.